Tijgertje Newsflash
January 2025


Invitation (RSVP)
General Members Meeting 2025

Date: Sunday, February 2, 2025
Location: Bar Pamela (downstairs), Jacob v Lennepstraat 86H, Amsterdam
Times: Doors open at 13:45. Start at 14:00. End around 16:00 with a reception.

NB. The general members meeting will be held in dutch!

Important decisions for the association will be made during the members meeting, such as the membership fees. We will also discuss the current and upcoming sports season. After the meeting, there will be time for a reception. Drinks are offered by the association.

1. Opening and minutes of the General Members Meeting 2024
2. Ongoing matters and activities from the past year
3. Announcements and decision points
Proposal: Keep membership fees unchanged. Despite cost increases, we can maintain the rates due to sufficient reserves.
4. Finances and findings of the audit committee. If there are questions about specific matters, they can also be submitted in advance by email.
5. Discharge of the audit committee and (re)appointment of the audit committee.
6. Budget for the upcoming sports season and activities.
7. Discharge of the board and re-election of the board. The board is available for re-election. There is a vacancy for assistance with the board: We need help with member recruitment and event organization.
8. Brief report from the sports groups by the contact persons.
9. Any other questions and closing of the meeting.

We hope to see many members at the General Members Meeting!

Please send a short reply with "present" and your name, so we know how many members will be attending due to space considerations. If you cannot attend, we would appreciate a short cancellation.

Trainers and contact persons are also invited. If you, as a team leader, cannot attend, you can submit a report in advance via info@tijgertje.nl

Thanks to Bar Pamela for hosting us!


Article Flamingo

We still need many new members for our fitness training sessions! Group fitness classes at Tijgertje have space available on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. In January, a nice article appeared in Flamingo (from Pink City Village) about the Tuesday training. You can read the article here: rozestadsdorp.amsterdam


Membership and Contribution

The Tijgertje season runs from September to June. If you are a new athlete at Tijgertje and have not officially registered yet, please fill out the form on our website for membership: https://tijgertje.nl/inschrijven/

The board is always open to suggestions and questions. If you have a complaint or special request, please email us at info@tijgertje.nl - If we cannot resolve it through discussion, we have a complaints procedure and an (external) confidential advisor. For more information: https://tijgertje.nl/vertrouwenspersoon

Have you seen our Facebook and Instagram ?


That concludes this newsflash, hope to see you at the General Members Meeting!


Questions? Email us at info@tijgertje.nl

With sporty regards,
Board of Vereniging Tijgertje

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