Tijgertje Newsflash
December 2024


** Happy Holidays **

Dear Tijgertje members. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a healthy and sporty 2025. We hope that in the coming days you may enjoy coziness and togetherness with loved ones. In this email, you will find among other things, the invitation to the General Members Meeting (ALV), and we are looking for 2 new trainers.


** New Trainers Please! **

At the moment, we are looking for trainers in the following sports:

**Condition Training Group Trainer - Wednesdays**
From 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Vechtstraat Sports Hall, Amsterdam. We are looking for a trainer (m/f/x) for our condition athletes, who has experience in giving similar bootcamp/fitness training.

**Special Swim Aqua Fitness Trainer - Thursdays**
From 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Reade, Overtoom, Amsterdam. Special Swim Fitness involves various exercises in the pool. We are looking for a trainer (m/f/x) who has experience in leading aqua fitness groups.

Do you know or are you a trainer (there is a fee)? > Please email us!
Photo for the article in the next Flamingo. Keep an eye on the website!


** Invitation General Members Meeting 2025**

We invite our members to the General Members Meeting (ALV) 2025. This will take place on Sunday, February 2, 2025, at 2:00 PM. We will announce the location and agenda in the next mailing. During the ALV, we will discuss plans for the sports season, the budget, and there will be room for questions and suggestions. Your attendance and input are greatly appreciated, so please mark the date in your calendar.


** Vereniging Tijgertje General Info **

The current sports season runs from September 2024 to June 2025. Are you a new athlete at Tijgertje and after your trial training interested in signing up? Fill out the form on the site: [www.tijgertje.nl/inschrijven](www.tijgertje.nl/inschrijven). All membership information is available here.

**Membership Association**
Tijgertje runs on the involvement of members and the commitment of volunteers, the unpaid board, and the trainers. When you become a member of Tijgertje, you become a member of a socially engaged association. Once a member, you remain a member until cancellation.

**Cancel Membership?**
Want to cancel your membership? Please inform us by August 1st at the latest via info@tijgertje.nl - And please also inform your team's contact person. Without notification or late cancellation, your membership (and contribution) will continue into the new season, and we will take this into account in the association's budget.

The board is of course open to suggestions and questions. Do you have a complaint or a special request? Then send us an email at: info@tijgertje.nl - If you really can't resolve it with us after consultation, we have a complaints procedure and (external) confidential advisor. For more information, check: [https://tijgertje.nl/vertrouwenspersoon](https://tijgertje.nl/vertrouwenspersoon)


Questions? Email us at info@tijgertje.nl

With sporty regards,
Board of Vereniging Tijgertje

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