What kind of people train at Tijgertje?
All kinds of people: big, small, hairy, young, old, lazy, fanatical, gay, bi, straight, trans, intersexual, etc. Did we forget someone? Everyone is welcome at Tijgertje. Just drop by and see if you feel at home.
Does Tijgertje provide courses outside of Amsterdam?
All our regular courses take place in Amsterdam, but on request there are possibilities to organise specific trainings, workshops and lectures on location for a fee. Ask about the possibilities and send an email to the board. We’re very open to new ideas and proposals!
Can I still participate even though the season has already started?
Of course! Our season runs from 1 September to 30 June. If you start later in the season, 10% of the annual fee will be deducted for each full month of the season that you were not a member. For more information, get in touch with the contact person of your desired sport or send an email to info@tijgertje.nl.
I don’t know anyone at Tijgertje. Would it still be fun to join?
Absolutely! How do you think we all started out? Every group has a contact person who takes care of new members and introduces them to other participants. We’re a friendly bunch and strive to create an open and welcoming atmosphere for all our participants. Who knows, you might even make some great new friends through Tijgertje. Join for a free trial lesson and see for yourself if there’s a click.
I’m concerned about my level of experience. Will it be too advanced/difficult for me?
Don’t be too concerned about your current level or previous experience when joining a sport. We encourage all those who are curious to join for a free trial lesson and see for themselves how they feel. Our trainers are accustomed to working with different experience levels within a group. If you have any doubts, please contact the trainer or contact person beforehand. Their details can be found on the sports pages.
Do you have to become a member immediately?
Not at all. You can first come along for a free trial lesson and decide to join later.
Will there be classes during holidays?
There is NO TRAINING on Easter Monday, King’s Day, Ascension Day and Whit Monday. During the school holidays, Senior Fitness and Yoga are also cancelled.